Managing Meeting Minutes
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Meeting minute is an important constituent of a meeting. Various steps in managing meeting minutes is explained in this section. Following navigation table will help you in easily accessing different topics related to managing meeting minutes.



Add minutes to a meeting

Adding meeting minutes

Import meeting minutes

Importing Minutes of Meeting

Import minutes in bulk

Importing Minutes in Bulk

Publish minutes of meeting

Publishing the Minutes 

Complete a minute

Completing a meeting

Re-open a completed meeting

Re-opening a completed meeting

Hold an action item

Holding an action item

Update action taken

Updating action taken

Close a minute

Closing meeting minutes

Save or export minutes

Saving or Exporting Minutes of Meeting

Escalate Action Items

Escalating Action Items

Adding meeting minutes

After the meeting is conducted minutes of meetings is prepared. Person who is supposed to take action on different decisions are identified and minutes is published. 

Organiser or Chairperson can prepare the minutes for a meeting. This is prepared before the meeting. 

To add minutes

Importing Minutes of Meeting

Minutes from other meetings can be imported.

To import minutes

Importing Minutes in bulk

Minutes can be imported in bulk using an MS Excel import template. An Import template is generated, values for different columns are entered in template and the details entered are imported to the meeting.

To generate a template

To import minutes

Publishing the minutes

After creating the meeting next step is to publish the meeting. Chairperson, Organizer and Approver can publish the meeting. Before publishing, the approver approves or reject meeting if the meeting is associated with a Project and the option Approver is required for Meeting is selected in project settings. Once this setting is selected all meeting minutes must be approved by the approver before it is published. 

NOTE: If a meeting does not have any approvers assigned to it, then approval is not required to publish the meeting. If a project is selected and approver is assigned to the meeting, then the approver has to approve the meeting before publishing. If minutes for a meeting without approver is published, in the notification mail generated, among the list of participants name of approver will not be displayed.

Figure: Setting in Project for enabling requirement of meeting approval

In this case if user tries to publish the meeting without adding an approver, a warning message is displayed.

If approval is required for the minute’s, user must approve the minutes.

To approve minutes of meeting

Completing a meeting

Once minutes is published, notifications are sent to all participants who have attended the meeting. In the notifications pane when the notification is clicked by the user following window is displayed.

Figure: Notification window

On clicking the meeting URL, meeting window is opened. For the user assigned as Action On, the following window is displayed.

Figure: Marking meeting as completed

Details of the action is displayed here.

To complete the meeting

Holding action items

Sometimes the recipients of an action item (actionee) may need extra time to complete the action assigned to them. They will be holding the action item for a specific time. They might also require to update the intermediate action taken for a minute.

To hold/resume action items

Updating action taken and viewing event log

After completing the intermediate activities related to the action item, user can update the action taken.

To update action taken

To view the event log

Re-opening a completed meeting

If the Organiser or Chairperson of a meeting feels the work is not completed, they can re-open items marked as completed. 

To mark completed items as open

Closing the meeting minutes

After completing the meeting, the meeting can be closed.

To close the meeting

Saving or Exporting minutes of meeting

Minute details can be exported to a minutes template available in the system. If the meeting is in closed or follow up status, minutes details can be saved to a pre-defined template and the template file can be added to WRENCH.

To export minutes details

If the meeting is in follow up or closed status, minutes details can be saved to a template and the template file can be added to WRENCH.

To save minutes details to WRENCH

Escalating Action Items

Action items can be assigned to different resources. If these resources failed to complete the action assigned to them in time, an escalation is to be sent to concerned authorities. Action Items can be escalated only for meetings with Follow Up or Scheduled status. Only Chairperson or Organizer can define the escalation.

To escalate action items