Project Operations
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Different operations can be carried out from the tool bar in the Project Details window.

Editing and saving the project

A project created and saved earlier can be edited and some properties can be altered. 

NOTE: Only administrators and users with Edit Project permission can edit a project.

To edit a project

Completing the project

Completion is the closure of the Project after all tasks are completed. This declares that all activities in the Project are completed.

NOTE: A project can be completed only when all the tasks in the WBS is completed. If there are tasks that are not completed, the project cannot be completed. If a WBS is not available for the project, the percentage completion field is updated by a user with appropriate security rights.

To complete the project

Deleting the project

Complete information of a project can be removed.

To remove a  project

Creating and managing Project Snags, Issues and Non Conformance Lists

Facilities to create and manage Project Snags can be opened from the Project window.

In the operations menu, options to open snags, issues and non-conformances will be available.

For more information on these topics see Snags, Issues and Non-Conformance Lists.