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In certain project scenario, there could be multiple work orders under the same contract agreement. These work orders are usually short-term projects that has distinctive scope and deliveries. For ease of administration, such contracts are registered as a single project in SmartProject and each work order is created as a summary task in the WBS. Individual projects need not be created for each work order. This help reduce the administrative overheads. 

But, when timesheets are created, time logs are to be recognised as per the respective work orders. To accomplish this, the time logs could have been created against the respective summary tasks. But in such cases, it is an industry practice to identify time logs of each work order by means of a booking code. Facility to manage a booking code is available here.

Adding, Updating and Removing booking codes

New booking code can be added to a Project from the timesheet tab.

To open booking code  window

  1. In the Project Properties window click Timesheet.

Booking Code window is displayed.

Figure: Booking Code window

Options for adding a code, updating and removing a code, linking the code to activities and user groups and exporting the code are available in the toolbar.

To add a code

To update code

To remove code

Linking booking codes to activity and discipline

Booking codes can be linked to an activity or a discipline. 

To link booking code

Exporting the booking codes

Selected booking codes or entire booking codes can be exported to an excel sheet.

To export booking codes