Vendor Specialisation Master
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Specialisations are the lists of products or services as offered by vendors. This tab is selected by default.

To create vendor specialisation master

  1. In the Vendor Specialisation Master window click New.

Figure: Vendor Specialisation Master window

Specialisation Details window is displayed.

Figure: Specialisation Details window

  2. Click Save to store the entered details. Saved Successfully message is displayed.

Editing and removing a specialisation master

User with security rights can edit or remove an existing entry in the specialisation master.

To edit an entry

  1. Select an item from the specilaisation master window and click Edit.

Specialisation Details window is displayed.

  1. Here make the neccessary changes and click Save to store changes.

To remove an item

  1. Select an item from the specilaisation master window and click Remove.

Removed Successfully message is displayed.