Smart Folders
A smart folder is that whose contents are partly or completely determined by a set of rules that you have created. Smart Folders are designed to bring related items together, no matter where they are actually stored in your system. Smart Folders are virtual folders; your drawings might be spread across different folders, but a Smart Folder will collate them in one place. It does not move the original files – it’s just displaying them together.
Smart Folders will always be up-to-date with the items that you have told them to look for. Each folder will store items based on the rules or criteria defined.
You can categorize the work send to you into different folders and then work with objects in these folders. Entire work that has been allotted to a person can be organized using Smart Folders. The term work refers to documents, correspondences, transmittals and tasks. Document related and task related operations can be carried out from the Smart Folders. In short you can manage your To-Do-List from the Smart Folders. For more information on working with smart folders refer Smart Folders.