Publishing a Reverse Bid
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Once a Reverse Bidding session is created successfully, the details need to be published to the corresponding vendors. Reverse Bidding sessions when in ‘Created’ status can be published. In case a user tries to publish Reverse Bidding sessions in other statuses, operation is be aborted with a warning message.

NOTE: Only users with ‘Manage Reverse Bidding’ permission will be able to publish a Reverse bid. If the user does not have required permissions to publish the Reverse Bidding session, a warning message is displayed.

To publish a reverse bid

Cancelling a reverse bidding session

If a published Reverse Bidding Session is no longer valid,  session is cancelled. Only users with ‘Cancel’ Reverse Bidding Session permission will be able to carry out the operation. 

To cancel a published reverse bid

For more information on this topic see:

Managing Live Bid (Reverse Bidding)

Creating a Reverse Bid

Monitoring a reverse bidding session

Working with reverse bidding sessions (Bid Room)

Notification for Vendors