Monitoring a reverse bidding session
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For completing a reverse bidding session efficiently, the bid coordinator needs  to constantly monitor and take necessary actions. A reverse bidding session may require various instructions to be provided to the participating vendors. Also, in the case of very high rate of bid submissions, the bid end time or session time may needs to be extended. 

Bid log option helps the user in monitoring a reverse bidding session and taking necessary actions. 

NOTE: Only bidding session in Published status can be monitored.

To open bid log

Sending notifications to vendor

The bid coordinator may have to send various common notifications to the vendors at various stages.

To send notifications

Viewing vendor status

The bid coordinator may wish to know the list of vendors who are online (logged in to the system and presently opened the Bid room). 

To view vendor status

Closing the bid

Bid coordinator can cancel the bidding process before the bid ending time.

To close the bidding

For more information on this topic see:

Managing Live Bid (Reverse Bidding)

Creating a Reverse Bid

Publishing a Reverse Bid

Working with reverse bidding sessions (Bid Room)

Notification for Vendors