Approval Requirement Code
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Approval requirement code defines the nature of review and approval a document should have from the customer. Some documents may need to be approved by the customer before it can be used for manufacturing or construction (Example: General Assembly Drawings, Floor Plans etc),  while some documents need to be sent to the customer just for information (Example: Government department certificates etc.)

For Example : During the development of a Power grid, there could be a number of design tasks, which needs the customer’s approval on the design, before they can be used for construction. Examples are “Layout Plan”, “Drilling Schedule” etc. Whereas a number of other tasks may just need to get notified to the customer i.e ,no approval is required. Examples are “Environments department certification” etc. These are different kinds of approval requirements. Hence the approval requirements described in the above scenario may be consolidated as “For Approval” and “For Information” respectively. This may get further abbreviated as just “A” and “I” respectively. This is known as  “Approval requirement code” and is defined the Approval Requirement Code Masters.

Creating an approval requirement code

Based on the approval process followed by an organization approval requirement codes are created and properties are assigned.

To create an approval requirement code

  1. On the Document Masters window select Approval Requirement Code.
  2. On the tool bar click CreateCreate Approval Requirement Code window is displayed.

Figure: Create Approval requirement code window

  1. Enter a Approval Requirement Code and description.
  2. Click OK to save the code.

The code created is displayed in the grid. Options to edit and remove the selected code is also available on the tool bar. 

Figure: Editing and removing code

NOTE: Approval status codes that are already assigned  cannot be removed.