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The workflow assigned to the document is displayed here. If a workflow is not assigned to the document, a workflow can be assigned to the document. In addition you can carry out different operations from the workflow window.

NOTE: Only a user with  Assign/Start/Flush Workflow permission will be able to  Assign  workflow to a document, Start an assigned workflow and Remove  workflow assigned to a document.

STEP 1: View the workflow assigned to a document

STEP 2: Selecting and starting a workflow

STEP 3: Sending a document

Operations from the Workflow window

The following operations can be carried out from the Workflow window.

Reassign: Existing resources in a stage can be changed using this option. You can add more resources to existing resources in a workflow stage, remove some resources from a stage or completely change the resources in a stage.

NOTE: User should have reassign rights in the security centre to reassign the resources of a workflow

To reassign resources

Flush Workflow: Click this option to roll back a workflow that has been already started  to its initial stage. On clicking this option the object is flushed or removed from the workspace of the stage users and the message object has been successfully flushed  is displayed.

Activate/Deactivate: In workflows with parallel stages  you can deactivate a parallel stage. By deactivating one of the parallel stages an action by the resource in that stage can be avoided. Usually a workflow with parallel stages is used in organizations if a document or drawing requires action by two authorities. In some cases if approval of just a single authority is only necessary then the stage allocated in the Workflow for the other authorities can be deactivated. You can also activate a deactivated stage.

Sequencing: Interdepartmental or Intra departmental Squad Checks can be performed in Wrench by defining a stage as a Sequenced stage in Work flow Designer. "Sequenced Sending" is a feature in sending, which follows a predefined pattern within a stage. If a sequence has been defined and locked in the workflow the sequence is displayed here. This pre-defined sequence cannot be changed.

If a sequence is not defined in the workflow stage, you can define a sequence here. If a sequence is defined in the workflow and it is not locked, the sequenced can be altered here.

To view/change a sequence

Assigning an unguided workflow

While sending of objects are to be carried out in the absence of a pre-defined work flow the manual routing operation or an unguided workflow is used. Here a set of users to whom the objects are to be sent are defined.

To start a workflow