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Packages - An overview

Packages are means of clubbing multiple documents together like a folder. In infrastructure business, there are various agencies generating different types of engineering documents such as architectural designs, electrical design, piping designs etc. many a times, these documents are to be submitted to various agencies for approval/ review. At the time of such submissions, a number of documents are to be submitted together. For example, reviewing the electrical design may need to be done along with the architectural designs and often the material and purchasing specifications. 

Conventionally, each of these designs is prepared by various disciplines or at times, subcontractors. Hence these documents are to be collected from all these agencies, put them together in a folder before they are sent for reviews. 

Package’ is a facility in WRENCH which can be used to combine various documents which are created using individual workflows (or may be without using any workflows).

Different types of packages

Based on the purpose, the packages are classified in to: 

  1. Authorisation packages.
  2. Suppliers packages. 

Though most of the operating details are similar, there are distinct functional differences between the two.

Authorisation packages

In the infrastructure business, there is a practice of making a critical and careful examination of engineering designs by an authorised person like a chartered engineer. This is similar to the practice of examining financial documents by a chartered accountant in finance domain. The objective is to reduce the “chances of errors” in the engineering design. Authorisation packages are used for submitting a set of documents together to agencies like chartered engineers for their approval. 

Suppliers packages

Engineering designs created by vendors / contractors are to be reviewed by the “Owners” or the “Consultants” before they are used for construction. During these reviews, there may be very detailed change requirements which are usually marked in comments and attached to the documents.  Suppliers packages are used for submitting  a set of such documents for review.

Packages are stored in a separate smart folder. Packages are managed using Package Manager.  For more information on managing packages refer Opening Package Manager.

The main difference between authorisation package and suppliers package is that during the review process, there is no rejection in suppliers package. The reviewers complete their reviews and document controller updates the documents with an internal status code. Various package related operations are mentioned in different sections. You can access the different topics using the following navigation table.

Navigation Table



Open Package Manager

Opening Package Manager

Create and submit authorisation package

Creating and submitting an authorisation package

Approve an authorisation package

Approving an authorisation package

Complete an authorisation package

Completing an authorisation package

Create a suppliers package

Creating a suppliers package

Review,submit and complete a suppliers package

Reviewing, submitting and completing a suppliers package

Edit package details

Editing package details

Remove a package

Removing a package

View package history

Viewing package history