Managing Live Bid (Reverse Bidding)
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For completing a reverse bidding session efficiently, it is required to be constantly monitored and necessary actions to be taken by the bid coordinator. The coordinator needs to get an administrative view of live bid submission by various vendors. A reverse bidding session may require various instructions to be provided to the participating vendors. Also, in the case of very high rate of bid submissions, the bid end time or session time may need to be extended. 

The reverse bid facility in WRENCH SmartProject transforms the reverse bidding process by providing complete transparency and control, and enhanced security features that can prevent the occurrence of fraudulent bids.

For completing a reverse bidding session efficiently, constant monitoring and necessary actions are to be taken by the bid coordinator. The coordinator needs to get an administrative view of live bid submission by various vendors.

Opening Reverse Bidding module

Reverse bidding window is opened from the global menu. A SmartProject user with appropriate security rights can open the reverse bidding module.

To open reverse bidding module

For more information on this topic see:

Creating a Reverse Bid

Publishing a Reverse Bid

Monitoring a reverse bidding session

Working with reverse bidding session

Notification for Vendors