Document details window is the centralized location from where almost entire document related operations can be carried out. Comprehensive information on the properties assigned to the documents are available here. Wrench ensures that the document details window contains entire information about a specific document.
Document details window can be opened by clicking the document number that appears as a hyperlink.
Document Details window
The document details window comprises of the following.
Figure: Document Details window
The left navigation bar is further divided into the following sections
In the tab strip of the document details window, different document related operations are displayed as tabs. These tabs can be added or removed from the tab strip. Only five operations can be displayed in the tab strip at a time. The remaining operations are displayed under the tab More.
Figure: Operations from document details window
Different operations that can be carried from the document details window are explained in the following section.
This option is used to send documents to next stage after completing the work. You can send a document using a guided workflow or an unguided workflow. For more information on sending documents refer Sending Documents through a workflow
Entire Documents managed by Wrench are stored on a central server. When files have to be taken from Wrench into the local machine for editing, it has to be checked out. On checking out, the file is locked by the user for editing. The checked out document is opened in the native application and user can make the necessary changes to the document. A checked out document is indicated by a red tick mark.
Check Out window is displayed
Check In is the reverse operation of Check Out. It is the process of sending a document back to the server after editing. The Check In button is enabled on the menu only if the selected document is checked out. A red tick mark indicates whether the selected document is checked out. On checking in a document the version number increases.
Check In window is displayed
After checking out a document, editing and saving the document sometime you may need to cancel the changes made. You can use "Undo Checkout" option to cancel the changes made after checking out a document. The edited file is removed and the file on the server will be retained so that the original remains without any changes.
Instead of checking out the document, editing it and checking in the document; the document can be replaced by updating the latest document. While Replacing an open or read only documents the system returns a message asking for the confirmation of the operation. On confirmation the document is replaced with the uploaded last saved version of the document.
Upload window is displayed
Figure: Upload window
More Information: Click the hyperlink More Information to view additional details like current Version of the document, Internal Revision Number and Revision Number
A document can also be replaced by dragging a document to the drop zone in the smart folder grid. Here you can select a file Upload option.
To upload a document by dragging to drop zone
A message box is displayed
Bulk Upload window is displayed.
If the File Name (name of the file in the local drive) and the existing Document file name matches, in the Bulk Upload window status column, the status is displayed as Match found.
For Example: If the file name of the document in the local drive is ABC.txt, for fulfilling the matching option, the file name of the document in Wrench has to be ABC.txt
Figure: Replacing the document
NOTE: The file matching option by default would be File Name=Document File Name. You can select different options from a drop-down list. If any other options from File Matching Options is selected for replacing, the selected option would be saved in the cache as the default option. If you want to select files for replacing from the Bulk Upload Documents window, click Browse and select files for replace.
Different file matching options available in the drop-down list are as follows.
Instead of replacing a single document, a set of documents can be replaced together using the Bulk Update option.
A message box is displayed
Bulk Upload Documents window is displayed.
Figure: Bulk Upload of documents
The files are uploaded successfully.
With this option you can notify users about the status of a document. In addition a user who is not a part of the workflow would be able to access the object which is being sent through a workflow. Thus you can send an item to a user who is not in the workflow stage for additional comments or help.
Forward window is displayed
Figure: Forward window
Forward Settings: You can specify who among the mentioned recipients can forward the task/document information to other users.
Can Forward window is displayed
Figure: Can Forward window
The selected users will be able to forward the received task or document to another user.
Select this option to close the work in your workspace. The work will be open in other user's workspace until they act upon it
Select this option to complete a document if it has gone through all workflow stages. User in the last stage of the workflow can complete the document using this option.
To complete a document
Complete window is displayed
Figure: Complete window
Using this option you can remove users from workflow stages and assign a new user to workflow stages.
To reassign users to a workflow stage
The workflow assigned to the document is displayed
Figure: Reassigning Resources
Figure: Saving Resources
The stage resources are reassigned successfully.
Reply to correspondences can now be sent to relevant stake holders through a transmittal. For ease of sending the reply through a transmittal ‘Create transmittal' option is available in document details window.
You can select the transmittal type and the document transmittal window is displayed.
For more information on creating transmittals refer Creating a Transmittal.
While working with some documents in Wrench, it might be required to send documents by outlook mail to others for verification, review or approval. Send Mail option can be used to accomplish this.
The Send Mail option in the navigation bar assists the user in sending external mails from Wrench with the selected documents as attachments in the mail. Documents and document attachments can be send using this option.
Mail window is displayed.
Figure: Send Mail window
Attachment selection box is displayed
Selected attachment type is displayed in the mail window. When the mail is send the selected attachment types are sent along with the mail.
Notify operation is used to send a message to a user. The content of the message will be related to a document in most cases. The user who sends the message can provide more clarity to the messages by inserting the document/Task metadata values.
Notification window is displayed
Figure: Entering values in notification window
You can permanently remove the document from Wrench using the delete option. This helps in removing redundant documents and thus saving disk space
Select this option to release a completed document
A document is considered obsolete when it is no longer in use. An obsolete document is usually retained for knowledge preservation . This means the information contained in the document can only be used as a reference but cannot be used for any other purpose. Obsolete documents are removed from the point of use.
For Example: If you need previous specifications to be viewed by others for reference without using it the document can be made obsolete
Revoking an obsolete document restores the status of the document to the point at which it was made obsolete.
For Example: A document Test.Doc was in work in progress status while it was made obsolete. Now on revoking this document the status is again preserved to as work in progress.
A replication request for the selected document can be raised using this option.
To raise a replication request
Replicate window is displayed with a list of servers
Figure: Replication window
Using this option you can pin the documents to Smart Folder. The pinned document will be available in the selected smart folder irrespective of the rules based on which the smart folder is created. It is also possible to unpin documents from the smart folder.
Different document properties can be updated from here. On clicking Update a pop-menu containing the following options are displayed.
Client Comments: Usually the client marks their comment on the document and sends it back. This comment file is updated into Wrench along with approval status code details, received back date and other details.
To update client comments
Update Client Comment window is displayed
Figure: Updating Client Comment
Enter values for the following fields.
Select a File: Click this field to choose the comment file
Approval Status Code (Internal): Select an approval status code from the drop-down list where a pre-defined list of codes will be available.
Fields Approval Status Code (Client) and Approval Status Description is filled in based on the internal status code selected.
Receive Back Date: This is the date on which the document was received after client comments. Select the date from a date picker.
Client Reference Number: Enter the client reference number
Revision Required: Define whether revision is required. Select Yes or No from a drop-down list
Internal Approval Status Code: Approval status code defines the customer's response on a document that has been sent for customer approval. For Example: If a document is rejected by customer, the document will have to be revised as per suggestion and the overall percentage of progress (in creating the document) will drop considerably as it needs a lot of rework. The approval status codes are applied to each customers (in customer master). Every Client follow unique Approval Status Codes. To accommodate this Wrench saves the various Approval Codes with corresponding internal codes.
To update approval status codes
Update Internal Approval Status code window is displayed
Figure: Updating internal approval codes
The description corresponding to the selected code is filled in
Receipt Details: Documents are sent by vendors to the contractor through transmittals. For the purpose of identification these transmittals have a unique number . On receipt of these transmittals document controller updates the transmittal number and transmittal receipt date into Wrench. These details are used for future reference and communications.
To update receipt details
Update Receipt window is displayed
Figure: Updating receipt details
Different types of associated files can be added as attachments to the selected file.
Figure: Adding Attachments
The following types of associated files can be attached to a document.
For more information adding attachments to a file refer Document Details>>Attachments
Using this option you can add a reply to a correspondence document. In case a genealogy is mapped to the correspondence type, the reply is added to this genealogy. Or else reply is added to the genealogy under which the parent correspondence is saved.
Document Addition window is displayed
The reply is added to correspondence genealogy defined
This option is for opening the main file or specter attachment and commenting on it.
List of documents is displayed
Document Details window is displayed
Open for commenting window is displayed. Here you can select main file or specter file for commenting purpose by clicking the respective radio button
Figure: Open for commenting box
If the radio button next to option Specter is selected, the specter file available in the document attachment will be downloaded.
Save the document and open the document in a PDF editor like Adobe Reader.Enter your comments and save the document.
This option is for attaching comment file stored in the local system to the server. Comments can be attached from the Attachments tab in the document details window and smart folder.
Comment dialog box is displayed
Figure: Attaching Comments
Your comment file is attached successfully
Comments entered by different reviewers in the attachment have to be consolidated to one single comment file. Consolidate Comments option helps you in carrying out comment consolidation.
Consolidate Comments window is displayed. Here details of comment files attached by different reviewers are displayed.
Figure: Selecting comment files
If the operation is successful the following message is displayed
A single consolidated comment file is created as shown in the following figure. This file will contain comments marked by different users consolidated.
Figure: Consolidated comment file creation
Consolidated Comment file can be opened for review from Attachments tab in the document details window and from the smart folders menu.
The consolidated file is opened for Review
NOTE: The file opened for review will have the tag CONSOLIDATED_REVIEWED for the purpose of identifying the review file.
The saved review file can be attached to the document.
Comment dialog box is displayed
Figure: Reviewing consolidated file
Comment files, consolidated comment files and reviewed consolidated file would be listed under the comments sections in the attachments tab as shown in the following figure.
Figure: Comment files consolidation and review