Here documents that are linked or referred to the task is displayed. Also attachments to the documents are also displayed. You can carry out document related operations from this window.
To open the related document window
Figure: Related document window
Documents window is displayed. The document window consists of the following sections.
Here documents linked or referred to the task are displayed. Details related to the document like, Document Number, Document Description, Link Type etc. are displayed in the grid.
Figure: Related Documents window
You can carry out the following operations from the Related Documents window.
Link: Click this option to link a document to the task. Once a document is linked to a task, completion of the task is dependent on the completion of the document. On clicking this option Document Addition window is displayed. Enter values for the fields in the document addition window. For more information on adding document refer Adding a Single Document.
Refer: Click this option to refer a task to the document. A refer document has no significance effect on the completion of the task. The document is added as a reference document. On clicking this option Document Addition window is displayed. Enter values for the fields in the document addition window. For more information on adding document refer Adding a Single Document.
View: This option can be used to view the document directly without opening the document details window.
Check Out: This option is used to download the document for the purpose of editing. When the document is checked out, the document is downloaded and the document is indicated with a tick mark... For more information on checking out a document refer Check Out.
Check In: Once you have completed editing the document, you can save the document and check it in back to the server. For more information on checking a document refer Check In.
Add Attachment: Different types of associated documents can be attached to the task.
A pop-up menu with a list of attachments are displayed
For information on adding attachments refer Document Details>>Attachments
The added attachment is displayed in the Attachments section
More: Additional operations related to the document can be carried out from the pop-up menu.
The following operations can be carried out from the menu
Replace: Click this option to replace the existing file with a different file.
Detach: Click this option to detach the document from the task
Delete: Click this option to remove the document
Revise: Click this option to revise a completed task
Different associated files attached to the task are displayed here. These details in this section would be hidden by default. Click the arrow th open this section and make the details here visible.
Figure: Attachments window
Details File Type, File Name, Association Purpose and Association Type are displayed here.
You can View the attachment, Replace the attachment with a different file and Delete the attachment by clicking the respective buttons in the attachments tool bar.