Different task related operations can be carried out from the Tasks Smart Folders. When a smart folder is selected the contents in the folder are displayed. Select a Task from the list and carry out an operation. Operation can be carried out from the Pinned items on the tab strip and options in the More menu.
Figure: Smart Folder-Tasks
Different operations that can be carried out from the smart folders are explained in the following section.
This option is used to send documents to next stage after completing the work. You can send a document using a guided workflow or an unguided workflow. For more information on sending documents refer Sending Documents through a workflow.
Here you can Link or Refer a document to the task.
To link or refer a document
Document Addition window is displayed.
Enter the values for properties in the document addition window. For more information on entering values in the document addition window refer Adding a Single Document.
Different document properties can be updated from here. On clicking Update a pop-menu containing the following options are displayed.
Client Comments: Usually the client marks their comment on the document and sends it back. This comment file is updated into Wrench along with approval status code details, received back date and other details.
Update Client Comment window is displayed
Figure: Updating Client Comment
Enter values for the following fields.
Select a File: Click this field to choose the comment file
Approval Status Code (Internal): Select an approval status code from the drop-down list where a pre-defined list of codes will be available.
Fields Approval Status Code (Client) and Approval Status Description is filled in based on the internal status code selected.
Receive Back Date: This is the date on which the document was received after client comments. Select the date from a date picker.
Client Reference Number: Enter the client reference number
Revision Required: Define whether revision is required. Select Yes or No from a drop-down list
Internal Approval Status Code: Approval status code defines the customer's response on a document that has been sent for customer approval. For Example: If a document is rejected by customer, the document will have to be revised as per suggestion and the overall percentage of progress (in creating the document) will drop considerably as it needs a lot of rework. The approval status codes are applied to each customer (in customer master). Every Client follows unique Approval Status Codes. To accommodate this Wrench saves the various Approval Codes with corresponding internal codes.
To update approval status code
Update Internal Approval Status code window is displayed
Figure: Updating internal approval codes
The description corresponding to the selected code is filled in
Submission Details: Documents are sent by vendors to the contractor through transmittals. For the purpose of identification these transmittals have a unique number. On receipt of these transmittals document controller updates the transmittal number and transmittal receipt date into Wrench. These details are used for future reference and communications.
Update Submission window is displayed
Figure: Updating submission details
Interim Percentage: Update Interim Percentage is used to add an interim percentage between the earned percentage and anticipated progress percentage for the next milestone defined in the rule set window.
Update Interim Progress window is displayed
Figure: Updating Interim Progress
Click this option to schedule a selected task, if it is not scheduled
Select this option to complete a document if it has gone through all workflow stages. User in the last stage of the workflow can complete the document using this option.
Complete window is displayed
Figure: Complete window
With this option you can notify users about the status of a document. In addition a user who is not a part of the workflow would be able to access the object which is being sent through a workflow. Thus you can send an item to a user who is not in the workflow stage for additional comments or help.
Forward window is displayed
Figure: Forward window
Forward Settings: You can specify who among the mentioned recipients can forward the task/document information to other users.
To define forward settings
Can Forward window is displayed
Figure: Can Forward window
Progress: You can define a rule for the progress of workflow here. The recipients of the object can act upon the work based on the rule defined here.
The following rules can be defined here.
In the drop-down menu, the following options are available.
Block completion of the item: While forwarding an object or work if this option is selected, the workflow can be completed, if the recipient of the forwarded work or object has to close the work from the workspace.
Block progress of current stage: On selecting this option while forwarding, the recipient of the forwarded object has to be closed, for further processing of the object.
Block progress of all active stages: On selecting this option while forwarding, all the active stage users in the workflow are also blocked from doing any further processing of the object, until the recipient of the forwarded object sends the object back to you.
The selected users will be able to forward the received task or document to another user.
Using this option you can revise a completed document.
Using this option you can add the documents to Smart Folder. The pinned document will be available in the selected smart folder irrespective of the rules based on which the smart folder is created. It is also possible to unpin documents from the smart folder
Select this option to remove a document from the smart folder.
Click this option to view the specter files attached to the task